Instrumentation: electronic music, sound design, acoustic instruments and natural sounds


Music and Concept by Alessandro Baldessari
collettivo_21: Piano – Daniele Nava Violin – Eleonora Liuzzi Production – Francesco Tagliaferri
Live Electronics and Sound Design: Alessandro Baldessari
Violin and piano recordings: Alberto Callegari Audio Mixing: Alessandro Baldessari and Oli Jacobs Lyrics: Erica Giopp Vocals: Zita Fusco

4EST Suite consists of 9 tracks:
1ntro – 2unrise – 3s – 4est – 5rrive – 6turm – 7auf – 8osco – Ferti9

The music remains unpublished. Feel free to get in touch if you would like to listen to it.

Between 2020 and 2021, I conceived and composed the music for ‘4EST Suite‘, an immersive audio composition that captured the attention of Volvo Car Italia, leading to their support in bringing the project to life.

This project holds a special place for me, originating from the narratives of my fellow countrymen about the Vaia tempest that struck the Dolomites in 2018. The people I connected with vividly described the sounds of the storm—rain, howling winds, and rustling trees. Drawing inspiration from their stories, I set out to create a concert where acoustic and electronic music harmoniously blend with the sounds of nature, transcending hierarchies. The storm symbolises instability and a pivotal crisis in the human-nature relationship, yet it also marks a moment of facing our fears head-on, compelling us to adapt and react. ‘4EST Suite’ evolved through collaboration with collettivo_21, taking shape during the pandemic. The project transformed into a video performance, which received its first preview at the Climate Space festival, curated by Ludovico Einaudi. Subsequently, the piece found its way to various festivals and events, culminating in the official premiere in Pieve di Cadore—an event attended by the CEO of Volvo Car Italia and the local community, focused solely on showcasing my music, in the heart of the Dolomites.

4EST Suite – Composition